Photo Gallery - 2018

Brien took this 10 point on Saturday November 17th. Had to watch him for three hours before a shot opportunity was given. Exciting morning in the woods...

Brian shot this buck while hunting with his Remington 742 30-06 in Isabella County on Nov 16

Greg shot this 290 pound black bear on June 8 while bow hunting in Quebec, CA (about 4.5 hour drive north of Ottawa)

Holly took this 6 point while hunting in Cheboygan, MI. This is her first buck with a rifle. Congratulations Holly!

Jeff shot this nice 6 point buck with an 18-1/2 inch spread while bow hunting in Lake County, MI on State land.

Nick took this buck while hunting in the Cannonsburg, MI area while waiting for his Ajacs hat to arrive.

This is Stephanie's first deer, shot opening morning from 60 yards with a .450 Bushmaster.